a top 350 retailer

Agent Procovateur

34% Growth in Conversion Rate

Agent Provocateur, a Luxurious Ecommerce Website...

 Agent Provocateur was after a luxury website that that embodied the brand’s extravagant personality, as well as their impressive history. 

From day one, we took a holistic approach to this project, as Agent
Provocateur is part of a larger group of brands. The plan was always to use the Agent Provocateur website as a templatefor future websites, so we kept this in mind.

Services we Provide

To name a few






We intergrate with lots of third parties


Content Square

Dot Digital


What makes the Agent Provocateur website special

Agent Provocateur is an international brand, with a physical presence around the world. To back this up, we launched the website across four regions and three currencies to cover deliveries around the globe!


Headless Approach

Agent Provocateur wanted their new website to
have a luxury feel, which is something we do pretty
well. A Headless approach is perfect for this! The
speed and smoothness of the page transitions sets
the website apart from the competition. As an extra
bonus, admin are able to edit the pages customers
see using Tom&Co;’s iCMS editor.

Microsoft Business Central ERP

Almost as big as they come, an advanced two-way sync with Microsoft Business Central ERP was a necessity. This was implemented at a group level, along with other major brands owned by the group. You should know by now that we love a challenge!

Need to find you nearest store?

With shops around the world, a store locator function was essential. Customers are able to book in-store appointments, so we made this functionality available on every store page.

GiveX omni-channel Gift Card

Agent Provocateur’s customers often shop both online and in-store, so it was important for gift card functionality to sync seamlessly between the two. To achieve this, we integrated with a third party service called GiveX, which means that customers can keep a balance on their gift cards that stays in sync across the two channels. Pretty neat.

We build our websites using a modern, forward-thinking approach called Headless.

This keeps the website fast, lightweight and flexible. By using the power of Magento’s functionality coupled with a quick, app-like front end, we’re able to deliver PWA-enabled websites. PWA-enabled websites can be installed on a phone, just like a native app but without the user needing to visit the app store. We can then enable offline browsing and native phone notifications to open up a whole new communication channel!

What Were The Results:
We did a comparison year-on-year of 2023, compared to 2022 and the results were staggering!
34 %
Increase in conversion
50 %
Increase in Mobile Sessions
12 %
Increase in session durations

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