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The Next Generation

Chances are if you’ve clicked on this page, you’re interested in learning more about re-platforming a website. Perhaps you want to future proof, upgrade or position your site for the next generation of the internet. Lucky for you, you’ve come to the right place.

The ‘Discovery Phase’

Let’s delve into the process. Re-platforming a website can be tricky business, which is why our wonderful team of project managers are on-side to guide you through the entire process from start to finish. You’ll have a dedicated project manager to take you through what we like to call the ‘Discovery Phase.’ This is where the re-platforming journey begins. As you might have guessed, this is where we align our teams to ‘discover’ more about your brand and your goals as well as your requirements.


success rate of re-platforming projects


Reason for moving to Tom&Co is growth & scaling up


NPS score client satisfaction

The ‘Creative Phase’

Our ‘Discovery Phase’ is broken down into two clear sections: the creative phase and the technical phase. During the creative phase, we call on our expert designers to begin curating the branding and content, taking into consideration your functional and business aims. What’s more, our designers come well equipped with the best design and UX practices.

The art of collaboration

If you read any of our other pages (thank you if you have, our copywriter is much obliged), you might have guessed that collaboration is at the heart of what we do. The Creative phase is no exception to this. We break the website down into bite-sized chunks and complete a number of workshops looking at various parts of the website. From these workshops we typically put together content maps to make sure we don’t miss anything important, wireframes to work out where everything should sit, and then full-page designs to make sure it’s pretty and effective.

The ‘Technical Phase’

Now for the slightly less glamorous part – the technical phase. Led by our Head of Operations, we use an extremely bright bunch of business analysts to involve your various stakeholders over a series of workshops to establish the functionality desired for the website. This can cover payment gateway options, order management, customer service, Search, ESP and CRM integrations, product data, SEO, and much more. We’re also experts in omnichannel solutions, so rest assured if you have both physical and online presence, we will seamlessly integrate them. We also appreciate there is always a lot to cover, so we map this all out with timelines to ensure you are always up to speed with progress and can still concentrate on your day job.

Our ‘Bluesprint’

All our projects are delivered using an Agile approach. This means that we work in 2-week sprints which ensures you have the opportunity to see the progress and feedback as early as possible. In fact, we don’t believe in any grand (or horrifying) reveals, so you’ll know exactly where we are at all times. We’re not shy to show our work in progress, so feel free to check in with us any time!

The Dog and Bone

The project management team will run a weekly update call from the very beginning of the project until after launch to ensure you are fully involved and up to date with our progress. It also ensures that we can keep track of any risks, actions, issues, or decisions through the project lifecycle in a fancy RAID log so we don’t miss a beat.


Once we have successfully re-platformed your website, we then work together to build and improve the websites through time, as well as our relationship. We’re committed to developing long-term relationships with our clients; it allows us to get to know you and your business really well so we can anticipate your needs and deliver the highest level of service.

Let’s talk...

We know the re-platforming process can seem daunting, so rest assured we’ll be with you all the way. We’ve also been doing it for a while; completing over one hundred thousand development hours every year.
p Head to our contact form if you have a project you’d like to discuss with us.

Case studies